Risk Insurance
You never know what’s over the next wave, make sure your tail feathers are covered.
safeguarding your future
Insurance is personal and your needs need to be listened to, not sold to.
It’s about safeguarding your future, and that of those you love, against the unknown. Nobody likes to think about accidents, illness and ageing; but sadly, they’re a part of life.

a personal approach
At the Mortgage Room we are not here to sell you insurance.
We take a very personal approach to help you understand your risks and what solutions are available in the market to protect you, your loved ones and your home. We will ensure you get the right cover in place that is affordable in the long term at no charge from us.
We also keep in contact over the years to ensure your cover meets your changing lifestyle. Talk to us for a free ‘no obligation’ appointment about what is best for you.
How We Can Help
Life Insurance
Life cover provides a lump sum payment in the event of your death or the diagnosis of a terminal illness
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In the event of terminal illness or sudden death – it’s reassuring to know the ones you leave behind can continue to move forward. Lump sum life insurance can take care of your immediate, medium and long-term financial commitments including a full repayment of loans and debts, survivor’s income, education funding, retirement savings, and the expenses of any ceremony.
Mortgage Protection
Mortgage protection is designed to keep the family home safe in your hands at all times by covering your mortgage repayments
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Mortgage protection will cover your monthly payments if you lose your income due to an illness or accident.
If there’s one thing you can’t predict – it’s the challenges life will throw at you. In the event you find yourself no longer earning an income due to an illness or accident – you need to make sure your house is safe. With mortgage protection insurance, you know your immediate expenses will be covered and you won’t risk losing the roof over your head.
Medical Insurance
Take control of your healthcare
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We’re very fortunate in New Zealand to have an excellent health system, however at times there can be long waitlists or some specialist services that are not covered. Medical insurance gives you control of your healthcare covering doctors bills to protection for surgery and specialists and everything in between.
Income Protection
Security in times of uncertainty
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Income Protection Cover is a monthly benefit designed to replace your income should you suffer a total or partial disability or serious illness which leaves you unable to earn your normal income.
Disability Insurance
Support when you need it the most
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Disablement is life changing. Total and Permanent Disablement Insurance can provide a financial injection to help make lifestyle changes if you become totally and permanently disabled due to sickness or injury. This could be a full time caregiver, modifications to your home, paying off your mortgage or any other expenses.
Trauma Insurance
Giving you time to recover
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Developing a life-threatening illness can take its toll on your physical and mental state. Modern advances in medical treatment mean the chances of surviving are much higher – however even being diagnosed affects you. You will have to deal with increased stress, lengthy treatment and a lot of time away from your day-to-day work commitments. Trauma cover will provide you with a lump sum payment to help financially while you recover.